What is your warranty and returns policy for dropshippers?

As a drop-ship seller, what should I do if my customer experiences a problem with a product from DirectMacro.com that I sold to them?


a) New DirectMacro.com products are covered by a 12-month warranty for replacement and repair.

b) Used and refurbished DirectMacro.com products are covered by a one week testing warranty for replacement and repair.

As a drop-ship seller, you are responsible for handling any product returns and related communications, since you are the DirectMacro.com customer. It is in your best interest to keep your customer's dealings with DirectMacro.com separate from your business to maintain your reputation.

In practice, you can discuss return issues with DirectMacro.com and provide your customer with our return code and address. Your customer can then send the faulty item back to us in Hong Kong, and we will ship the replacement directly to them. This solution is best for customers in different countries, as it eliminates the need for you to handle any products.

We will provide as much customer and technical support as possible.

Categories: Dropshipping